Starting Your First Business

Starting Your First Business

4 Traits to Look for in ECM Software if Workflow Is a Priority for Your Business

by Dora Lowe

When you purchase enterprise content management software for your business, you are purchasing software that will help you control the digital flow of information for your business. When it comes to purchasing ECM software, there are different tasks one can prioritize when considering the most important features. For example, document management, records management, or workflow could be a priority for your business.

If workflow management is a top priority for your business, there are certain traits you need to look for when considering which ECM software is right for your business.

Trait #1: Document Workflow System

First, you want the software to have an engine that will allow you to process documents through a set series of steps. These set series of steps should fit with the overall process of your business. You want a system that is automated to process all documents in a similar workflow to how you would offline. You want the process automated and built into the software to save you time.

Trait #2: Document Feedback System

Second, you want ECM software that has an integrated document feedback system. You want a system for approving documents so that you can ensure all the right people look at each document that needs to be evaluated. You also want a system that supports leaving comments on documents so that all feedback about a document can take place within the system.

Trait #3: View Documents in Right Environment

Third, you want a program that will allow you to view documents within the right setting. For example, you want to be able to open up emails within the software or use Microsoft Word or Excel when looking at documents or spreadsheets. You want a system that will integrate with the other programs you use for your workflow in your business.

Trait #4: Mobile Compatibility

The truth is that so much business work is done on tablets and phones nowadays. If your business works on the go, you need to make sure your ECM software will also work on the go. It needs to be mobile compatible so that you can always get work done.

When it comes to purchasing ECM software with a focus on workflow, you want a program that will allow you to seamlessly share, approve and work on relevant work documents on all applicable devices. Be sure that any ECM software also fits the other needs of your business as well; it's highly advanced and is made to help smooth the entire work experience for your business. 


About Me

Starting Your First Business

There are a lot of things you can do to turn a profit, but none are so rewarding as starting your own business. When you start a business, you can successfully break ground on a new hobby, help a team of people, and do what you can to reach out to others in a positive and uplifting way. I began thinking more seriuosly about business when one of my brothers got into it, and it was really interesting to see how well he did. Although I am not a business owner, I believe you can create a great company if you try hard. Check out these posts to learn why.

